Wednesday, December 16, 2009


In this blog I’m talking about how we can protect our data from hackers.
Let’s start by what do hackers want?

Most hackers are thieves and they may be looking for credit card information or they might want to get access to some sensitive property or some other copyrighted works. They do this because they can use for their own benefits or they just might resale it to other people online. Not only this but also they want to use your own computer to send spam email files to your contacts so that they can manage to hack them too.

The second issues is that how do hackers gain access to your account?

From my experience dealing with computers, I know these names or programs that can seriously damage my computer or make it remotely controlled such as worms, viruses, and Trojan.

Hackers can gain access to my computer by searching for the security holes which they can gain access without problems. These holes are existed in most programs we use for online communications.

Hackers use some hacking programs that are designed to figure out the access of accounts or the passwords. These programs are based on combining numbers and letters until it matches the password and can easily gain access to accounts.

The other thing that is commonly used on the internet is this message that you find on your inbox list which requires to send back your information such as passwords and birth date and some other personal information and hackers fabricates these messages to be sent from the hosting web site server and this is the trick where most people do not pay attention to and send back the information and this makes it for hackers to gain access to thousands of websites and accounts.

The third and final issue is about how to foil a hacker?

People should protect their computers by installing firewalls and anti-virus software programs so that they can keep track of any unexpected virus that could be targeting your own computer.

You can also use external hard drives as they provide automatic back up for information and data saved on them.

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