Social Networks like (Facebook, MySpace, and Friendster) are the reason behind capturing the attention of millions of users and millions of dollars investments. According to the Social Networking Services (SNS) in their annual 2006 repot stated that, the 10 most popular websites viewed on the internet 40% of them are accounted for social networks like MySpace and Facebook.
The basic functionalities for social networks such as MySpace and Facebook like showing the friends’ lists, messages, walls, events, commenting, and groups help most people to stay connected and be available online most of the time and be able also to upload media stuff.
The main function of the internet is to be a medium for connecting people and using the internet for mailing and by introducing the social networks, we created a virtual online community that can gather and publish information to be spread around the world. The social networks are now moving to be the next market for advertisers and marketers to provide this huge community with online shopping and offer incentives to encourage them.
Social networks are designed to help people to work in groups and get together in common activities and interests. But there are some users who connect to others with no reason other than boosting the number of friends list in their profiles. For me, I think it is meaningless because now people will be connecting to each other with out anything in common.
The primary activity of some people on the social networks is to connect with other people and as a result become boring and meaningless to other people who feel offended by these kinds of activities. These networking sites have different features and functions but they “share common goal which is to create a large community on the internet that share common social interests and relationships.” (John Breslin, Stefan Decker).
The next step in social networks will be something revolutionary like augmented reality in which these networks will be accessible from mobile phones and you will be using them more and more. People are more used to do social things on the internet like playing games or working or talking and in fact more people find it more comfortable to socialize from their bed. Another important thins will surprise the world is that you can search for your friends on these social networks by “location which can decrease the privacy to its minimum levels” (John Breslin, Stefan Decker).
References :
1- John Breslin, Stefan Decker, "The Future of Social Networks on the Internet: The Need for Semantics," IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING, Vol. 11, 06, pp. 86-90, NOV. /DEC., 2007.
2- Michael J. Bugeja, director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication atIowa State University, is author of Interpersonal Divide: The Search for Community in a Technological Age (Oxford University Press)
3- Boyd, d. m. & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11.
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